Jumat, 22 Juli 2011


Earn Money From Blog / Website, Forms and Types of media advertising

    Make money from blog is not only placed the ad on Google's blog, this is only the beginning. Your job is to find as many ways as possible to maximize the money from the blog while still providing the reader experience and valuable knowledge. The complaints about ads on blogs always occur even when only one ad. Here are a few things to remember: the most complained about ads on blogs also means that they never click on an ad, or worse, they use tools to block advertising. Then you did not earn any money from them, so they say there are too many ads have a significant effect be?

    So how do you know the place ads have peaked or not? The answer is simple. Traffic will tell you - if your traffic starts to decrease, you need to change. However, reducing traffic by placing too many ads are pretty rare. When asked 100 people, making them the biggest reason to leave is what a blog is too much advertising is not the answer in the top. I think it is because they are fed up with the disrespectful way of speaking.

    Make Money on the blog as well as on your website with the following forms:

    - Advertisers (Advertisers) put their banner or logo on your blog, the price specified days / weeks / months or years, depending on the placement of the ads that have different prices. See site Tuoi there are many companies, business ads or websites specializing in buying and selling ads you'll know these locations as well as pricing information.

    - You register as a publisher (Publisher) ads through the company or vendor advertising. The company or companies providing this ad to receive money from advertisers (also name of donor) and profits as a percentage for you depends on the number of visitors and attention to advertising ( ie click ads) as well as make deals to sell products or services. This is the case of Google Adsense, Yahoo Publisher Network, CJ ...

    - You sign up as publishers, and advertising of products or services directly from advertisers and customers visit your site to buy products or services you are entitled to a commission. This is the case of sites specializing in electronic commerce such as Amazon, eBay ...

    - You as a member of the site specializes in making money online, you place your logo or banner on your page and invite them to sign up through your referral. This is the case of sites specializing in paid to read email, surf the web to pay, using test software, ... But beware when making money from this, because you can not earn a penny, but also take time, money and your health.

    Here are the type commonly used to make money from blog of the Webmaster. Forms are provided by foreign companies, pay via PayPal, Check or Western Union.

    - CPM (Cost per thousand Cost per Million or Impressions) is the advertisers pay for impressions, namely 1000 times. For example, CPM = $ 1, that is if the ad is displayed or viewed 1000 times, you will be charged $ 1.
    - CPC (Cost per Click) advertising is pay-per-click ads. The amount you earn depends on the number of click. For example, cost per click is $ 1. 100 If you click on the ads will be $ 100. The more you click more and more money.
    - CPA (Cost per Action) is a type of paid advertising when readers click on ads and made one or several acts that advertisers regulations. Behavior can be simple: register, sign up for email to introduce products or services, may be the trial products, etc. and the highest purchase goods or services that the advertiser offers.
    - CPL (Cost per Lead), CPS (Cost per Sales): similar to CPA, but this is the introduction of advertising professionals to sell products, so readers click on ads and buy a product or service is that advertisers are offering you money to receive ads or referral sales commissions. CPA, CPL and CPS are forms of advertising require a higher CPC and CPM, but the amount you get is much higher.

        See more money online type commonly used.
        Things to Know About Money Online

    The ad formats on your blog can be:

    - Graphical Banner / Rich Media: the advertising image, the common size is 150x150px, 300x250, 468x60 ... Also this type of advertising also developed interactive flash files, videos ...

    - Text Link: the link to the site to advertise.
    - Content / Text Ads: These ads will appear, depending on the context and content of your website, these ads as well as links to pages of ads, and together with some introductory information.
    - Search: ads appear in search results pages when users search for information on the website.
    - Feed: ad together when users register read by Feed / RSS.
    - In-line ads: when the tag on the appropriate web page, that phrase becomes a link and when you mouse over will have a small ad frame-up ads website with relevant keywords.

    - Pop-up: when visiting your website will have a different site on the matter do not click on any link at all. Current web page will display on top of web page opened.
    - Pop-under: Popup same sites will turn out and the rear of the site.
    - Video Ads: This ad format is quite new and not yet widely applied. When you play the video on the website, there will be a video ad on top, visitors have to click in to see Video is Skip.
    - Interstitial Ads: this is the new ad formats are Adbrite, Clicksor, and some other promotions apply. This ad will be advertising a web page inside your website, visitors must press the Skip button to turn off Ads This web page is going.

        This table summarizes the types of advertising and charged (by Clicksor):

    COST Metrics Formats Inline Text Ads cost / pay per click (CPC, PPC) Text Ads cost / pay per click (CPC, PPC) Graphical / Rich Media Banners cost per 1000 impressions (CPM) Graphical Banners cost per click (CPC) Pop- unders cost per visit (CPV) Interstitial Ads cost per interstitial (CPI)

    The system primarily sell advertising CPM - CPM Based Ad Networks

    * 121Media
    * 24 / 7 RealMedia
    * Accelerator-Media
    * Ad Solutions Network
    * Ad World Network
    * AdAgency1
    * AdBonus
    * AdDynamix / Pennyweb Networks
    * AdOrigin
    * AdPepper
    * AdSmart
    * Adtegrity
    * AdZuba
    * Ampira Media
    * Bannerconnect
    * BannerSpace
    * BlueLithium
    * Burst! Media
    * Casale Media
    * Claxon Media
    * Click Agents
    * CPX Interactive (formerly Buds Media)
    * EuroClick
    * Experclick
    * FastClick / ValueClick
    * Federated Media
    * Gold Group
    * Gorilla Nation Media
    * Hurricane Digital Media
    * Impression | Up
    * InterClick
    * Interevco (Interactive Revenue Company Ltd.).
    * Joetec
    * Mamma Media / FocusIn
    * MaxOnline
    * Oridian
    * Premium Network
    * Quake Marketing
    * Quin Street
    * RealCastMedia
    * RealTechNetwork
    * Revenue.net
    * Right Media
    * Rydium
    * The Robert Sherman Company
    * TMP
    * Tribal Fusion
    * Valuead.com
    * Yes Advertising
    * HyperBidder

    The system mainly sell ads CPA / CPL - CPA / CPL Ad Networks

    * Advertising.com
    * Amazon.com
    * Axill
    * Azoogle Ads
    * ClickBank
    * ClickBooth
    * ClickXChange
    * Commission Junction / BeFree
    * CoverClicks
    * Darkblue
    * DrivePM
    * Emarketmakers
    * Linkshare
    * Maxbounty
    * Meta Reward
    * ProfitCenter
    * Revenue.Net
    * Shareasale
    * Strategic Affiliates
    * WebSponsors

    The system primarily sell advertising CPC - CPC Ad Networks

    * Google AdSense
    * Yahoo Publisher Network
    * AdForce
    * AdHearUs
    * AdKnowledge
    * AdSonar
    * Affiliate Sensor
    * All Clicks
    * AllFeeds
    * BannerBoxes
    * BClick
    * BidClix
    * Bidvertiser
    * CBprosense
    * Clicksor
    * ExpoActive
    * IndustryBrains
    * Mirago
    * Miva
    * Nixxie
    * One Monkey
    * Oxado
    * TargetPoint
    * Textads Dot Biz
    * TextWise
    * Text Link Ads
    * Vibrant Media
    * WebAdvertising.ca
    * AdBrite

    Procurement systems, compare - Shopping / Comparison Networks

    * TTZ Media
    * PriceGrabber
    * Chitika
    * Shopping.com
    * CNet Shopper

    The advertising system is not compliant - Pop ups, Expendable, Pay Per Post, etc.

    * 7AdPower
    * Opt-Media
    * PayPopUp
    * PointRoll
    * PopUpTraffic
    * Tremor Network
    * WhenU
    * PayPerPost
    * ReviewMe
    * CreamAid

    The advertising system according to geographical areas - Specific Demographic Ad Networks

    * Absolute Agency
    AVN Ads * (* Note: ad system contains adult content *)
    * BlogAds
    * CrispAds Blog Advertising Network
    * HerAgency
    * HispanoClick
    * Pheedo RSS & Weblog Marketing Solutions
    * Adgenta Qumana Blog Ads
    * WayPointCash (* Note: The system ad contains adult content *)

    The system mainly selling CPM ads are not U.S.

    * ClickHype
    * DMO Global

    The primary system is not CPC advertising sales of U.S.

    * Response Republic
    * PeakClick

    The system mainly sell ads CPA / CPL U.S. not

    * TradeDoubler
    * Commission Monster
    * Affiliate Future
    * AdLink


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        For appliances that one is very important in our lives. Karna to do with the water needs of our lives, just imagine if one day we do not have clean water to our strees .. Here the authors will discuss the issues surrounding the breakdown of our water pump machine .. There are many things that cause us jammed like a water pump engine flame out, but not water, but water comes out the engine a little flame, flame machine with a rough voice, the engine suddenly died and many more .. let us discuss this issue one by one:

This usually happens because saringanya (tusen valve) dah damaged or kesumbat how to overcome them, we at-o'clock slowly hisapnya pipe or pipes leading to the well, if it still does not work we just loose pipe connections hisapnya / that to the well, we check whether we we clean and we pull off saringanya per bit may karna dah pegasnya power is less good.

  B. MACHINE TURN WATER little discharge
This problem usually occurs because a leak so the engine suction pipe / pumps to suck water wind windy or possessed, as a result of water coming out of solution is not optimal way by releasing the suction pipe leading to the wells we check if we glue leak back into the alternative .. two, namely saringanya kesumbat or because conceded mud or sand to overcome aja we cut the pipe approximately 5cm and we reconnect saringanya ..

This problem is usually because the water pump dah too old or it's time in service, Dear readers if you have any pingin challenges and experiences in terms of loading and tidal water pump .. It is very easy reader only requires courage. We will call the handyman of the servic, we try to himself wrote or else we can not afford new we submit the same experts. First we used to pump water out of dudukanya eiiiiiiitttt do not forget all the buckets and we fill the bin full of water first .. after we managed to lift the water pump next step we take the three screws with a screwdriver plus (+) after that we remove one by one from the email da lempengn brass coil which serves to suck and do not forget there are three ball bearing or wheel axle .. nah this section we need to change, and do not forget we love each bearing a sign or penempatanya. This tool is sold in many stores sperpart or the nearest garage, do not let us take the example wrong Harganyapun very cheap .. and put back the third ball bearing. Guaranteed to pump water deh we hardly heard his voice ..

This problem is often caused because there are no wires / cables are broken, we check first by using testpeen. If the cable in good condition all kumparanya then we check whether there is fire or not. And if the color changes from yellow to black coil means kumparanya fire then we take it to the bobbin or expert artisans. and if the coils are still good and does not change color or fire then we check to elco kondensatornya or by means of multi-tester or we take it to the nearest electronics store, we ask it to check it is damaged klu we just replace it with a new condenser.

Similarly, articles from authors is easy - I hope to help and if there are less clear please ask through the comments field may also anyone want to add please we accept with pleasure ...
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Selasa, 14 Juni 2011


     Kedua alat ini sebenarnya cara kerjannya hampir sama yaitu merubah energi listrik menjadi energi panas. Untuk kerusakannya biasanya hanya seputar elememenya saja yang sudah terlalu tua dan minta diganti. Sedangkan cara penggantianya: 
a. Apabila didapati kedua alat ini rusak yaitu lampu indikator tidak menyala, kita harus memastikan bahwa tegangan listrik sampai ke elemennya apa gak, caranya kita buka mur/baut yang ada di bawah pengait antara tutup dan badan alat, kemudian kita buka penutupnya kita tarik pelan2 kabelnya(cable) kita test dengan testpen di bagian sambungan yang biasanya dibungkus dengan pengaman plastik.klu tidak ada aliran listrik berarti kerusakan ada di bagian cable colokan, mungkin kena gi2tan tikus atau karna dah uzur, kita ganti  aja dengan cable yang baru..
b. Apabila didapati kerusakan dengan ciri2 nasi tidak bisa matang karna kurang panas atau nasi cepat basi wlu baru aja kita masukan dlm magic com berarti kerusakan ada pada elemen pemanasnya,. G ush pusing2 kita langsung aja bongkar alat ini dengan cara (magic com: kita lepaskan penutupnya, juga badan alat tsb dan kita lansung aja lepaskan elemenya berupa lilitan kabel yang ditempel dengan aluminium foil yang bisa dipastikan sudah gosong)
(sedangkan magic jar: kita melepaskanya element dari bawah alat, dan kita ganti juaga elemenya dengan yang baru)
c. Apabila didapati saklar otomatis tidak bisa berfungsi atau nasi sudah masak tp saklar tidak bisa njegeg menyebabkan nasi cepat kering, maka kita periksa di bagian pemutus arus otomatisnya, cara kerjanya disertakan alat termostat atau alat pengukur panas, apabila suhu sudah melebihi batas max yang diatur alat ini akan memutus arus secara otomatis..cara mengatasinya kita lepasin aja dan kita ganti dengan yg baru, tapi kerusakan semacam ini jarang sekali dijumpai.

 kedua element dan sperpart tersebut bisa kita beli ditoko elektronik terdekat di kota anda.
 dan jgn salah untuk element magic com itu ada dua yaitu element yg berada ditutup dan yg ada dibadan alat, bisa dibedakan elementnya panjang dan pendek, yg pendek untuk tutup dan sebaliknya.. harganyapun murah sekali pasti terjangkau dari pada beli dgn alat yg baru, yg pasti pemborosan.


Untuk barang elektronik yang satu ini biasanya jarang sekali rusak, kebanyakan kerusakan ada pada cablenya. cara penggantianya sangat mudah: lepas aja baut yang ada di sebelah belakang setrika dan lepaskan cablenya dan ganti dgn yang baru,. dan klupun rusak dibagian dalannya atau elementnya kita bongkar aja dgn cara lepas baut dibelakang dan dibwh pegangan tangan trus kita lepasin elementnya ganti dgn yg baru, semua elementnya tersedia di oko elektronik terdekat.. Perlu kita ingat sebelum kita mengganti element setrika dengan yang baru alangkah lebih baiknya kita cek dulu menggunakan avometer atau multitester skala 1ohm.. apabila jarum pd multitester tidak bergerak sama sekali bisa dipastikan elementnya rusak.. Dan segera kita bawa ke toko elektronik terdekat, beli element setrika.. Yang pasti murah harganya jika dibanding dengan kita beli yang baru.... 


Kerusakan mesin cuci sebagian besar kabelnya pada putus digi2tin tikus, lagi2 tikus he he he.... caranya gampang, kita lepas aja mur yg ada diblkang alat ini dgn obeng+/-  setelah kita lepas penutup belakangnya kita teliti satu persatu cablenya, klu benar kabel pada putus kita ganti saja dgn kabel yg baru pengerjaanya sangat mudah karna cable 1 dgn yg lain beda warna jadi kita mudah dlm penandaanya.. Dan seandainya kabelnya utuh berarti kerusakan ada pada kondensator atupun di dinamonya, cara ngeceknya juga gampang kita teliti aja lilitan yg ada pada dinamo/kumparanya baik pengeringnya ataupun pencucinya, apabila tidak ada lilitan yg kebakar atau berubah warna dari kuning menjadi hitam, berarti kerusakan ada pada kondensator...atau kerusakan pada saklar otomatisnya cara ngeceknya juga gampang yaitu dengan menggunalan testpen kita tempel saja tespen pada kabel sambungan yang ada pada kondensator apabila arus ada / lampu tespen nyala berarti kondensatornya yang rusak, tapi apabila tidak nyala berarti kerusakan pada saklar automatisnya, kita lepas aja saklar automatisnya dan kita beli yg baru di toko elektronik terdekat..dan apabila yg rusak kondensatornya  cara penggantianya kita lepas aja dan kita belikan dgn yg baru.. dgn nilai yg sama.. tapi jangan salah ada mesin cuci yg kondensatornya dua ada yang satu..    
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